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.Rose Quartz I AM WHOLE eco bamboo drink bottle.

Protection bottle sleeve incuded for daily use.


Rose Quartz is the universal love crystal. It restores trust and harmony in relationships, encouraging unconditional love. Rose Quartz purifies and opens the heart promoting love, self-love, compassion, and the understanding we are all one.


It heals and rejuvenates the physical body and emotions. It is great for meditation with it's calm, serene energy helping with clarity. If you want to attract love look no further than this crystal. It is also the perfect stone for someone struggling with a midlife crisis helping them to realise that they are perfect just as they are.


On a physical level rose quartz works on the heart and circulatory system. Rose quartz is said to increase fertility and assist with the healing of the adrenals. It has been seen to be very powerful with people suffering from Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and Senile Dementia.


All I AM WHOLE products have the I AM WHOLE logo which has been created to infuse a positive vibration into all of its products. Once reading Dr Masaru Emoto work was the pseudo-scientific hypotheses that water could react to positively to thoughts and words. Polluted water can be cleaned through prayer and positive visualization. With reading this information we just knew that everyone had to be infused with the vibration of being whole.

Rose Quartz Bamboo Water Bottle

  • This bottle holds 550-650ml depending on the size of the crystal inside.

    Rose Quartz is on the non-toxic crystal list.

    Not all crystals can be infused in water. but I AM WHOLE has carefully reviewed all crystal types and chosen a high quality manufacturer.

    ECO Friendly

    While you are reading the text, more than 1,000,000 plastic bottles have been thrown away. If we don't all stop to make a difference our planet will be destroyed and our children won't get to enjoy the Oceans.  We can all make a difference.

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